Thursday, July 23, 2015

Highly fortified Hakka Dwellings

"All clansmen living together" is an important residing tradition of Hakka people. On the basis of absorbing the advantages of Hakka and Cantonese residence, Hakka residence in Shenzhen is of large scale, strong fortification and cosy environment. The front side of the fortified residences is built with gate tower, Daozuo (the south hall facing north), as well as the front and back courtyards. Main part of the construction include halls, transverse rooms, defending towers on the four corners, and back with belvedere. The whole construction is like a strongly-fortified castle. A Surrounded residence is a mini society of a clan, a "History Book of Ramming". There are over 100 large and medium scale castle-like surrounded Hakka residences survived in Longgang District.