Monday, January 8, 2007

To my first grandchild, a message, a bit of history

My late mother didn't tell me much of her life and background when she was in China. But this little bit my brother-in-law told us. My mother's father (my maternal grandfather and my first grandchild great-great grandfather) was a "siew chooi" (in Hakka, my Chinese dialect, a great scholar, an "asset". If I am wrong, someone please correct me). In China, I was told they used to hold difficult government examinations, and a select few are chosen to be given the award "siew chooi". With that award, I was told they can fly a flag in front of their house. It was a very rare honor.

And your grandfather retired as an associate professor, won the first MINDS-Henry Goh Environmental Award, got a British patent and a Malaysia patent, etc.

Just sharing this little bit of information to let my first grandchild knows that he/she has good genes.


Elsie said...

This is such a nice post Peter, I must have missed it when I wished you happy birthday a few days after your birthday.

Think your grandchild will one day be so proud of you too

thanks for responding to my comment as always, that is also one of your nice ways I like.

I am Afrikaans speaking,(forefathers came from Netherland I think/hope- so sometimes the translations to English takes up a lot of my time on the blogs, but after nearly 5 months of blogging, I am totally addicted to it.

Once again, thanks for all the things I have learned from you regarding blogging

Stay well