Monday, May 3, 2010

Teach grandchildren computer - mouse and keyboard skills, spelling too

Excluding touch screen, 2 essential basic computer skills that need to be mastered is handling the mouse and keyboard skills. Previous post How to teach grandchildren how to use computer described how I stumbled upon using Youtube video as motivation for little children to learn how to use the computer mouse to make selection (moving the mouse and clicking).

In the case of 2 years plus Lewis, his interest in Pixar cars had motivated him to learn how to move the mouse to move the cursor over a thumbnail image of a Pixar car video and clicking and this skill had been mastered. Only thing is, there is now an additional interest - Bob the builder:

Youtube search for Bob the Builder

I have previously described how to use Youtube video search to motivate little children learn the position of various alphabets on the keyboard (Lewis learning finger typing, hopefully spelling too.

Previously I had to verbally spell P I X A R C A R for him to type the alphabets into Youtube search box to search for Pixar Car videos to watch and as he grew more familiar with the process, I stopped spelling out the alphabets for him to type and make him do it himself. With this strong motivation to search for videos to watch, I am glad to report that he has now managed to spell without assistance the first 2 alphabets of Pixar Car, namely P I

Related posts:
Lewis learning finger typing, hopefully spelling too
How to teaching grandchildren computer