Thursday, July 2, 2009

Another grateful blogger wrote about your grandpa

Hi Lewis, Lincoln and Isaac,

Your grandpa is happy today. Why? Another grateful blogger wrote about your grandpa - Eu amo Peter. It is in Portuguese. Ah my grandchildren, time to learn another foreign language? Never mind. Wait till you grow up. Fortunately for us, we have online translators like Babelfish or Google Translate. Read the English translation at I ♥ Peter

Now for a small Portuguese lesson. The Portuguese word for tea is chá. Sounds familiar? Yes, same as Chinese. I learned this from a Portuguese professor when I was a student in Belgium almost 40 years ago.

Want more grandfather stories? Well this kind Portuguese professor gave your grandpa a piece of Camembert cheese just like the one in the photo below:

Camembert cheese
Photo of Camembert cheese courtesy of Wikipedia

And you know what your silly grandpa did? He ate the whole piece, including the white mouldy "skin"!!!! The Portuguese professor told me that I was supposed to throw away the white mouldy "skin" and only eat the inside yellow cheese proper! Thank God your grandpa is still alive today!!!