Friday, December 22, 2006

Nuchal Scan of my first grandchild

3D Nuchal scan of foetus
3D Nuchal scan of foetus
3D Nuchal scan of foetus
Pretty soon, I am going to be a proud grandfather. Here are some 3D Nuchal Scan of my first grandchild in its 13th gestation period (click on photos to enlarge). According to its report, its
CRL (see below for meaning) is 68.8 mm,
pulse rate: 161 bpm
Fetal heart: present
Nasal bone: present
Nuchal Translucency measurement: 1.8 mm (normal)
Fetal Anatomy
Head: Normal
Thorax: Normal
Abdomen: Normal
Limbs: Normal
(CRL= Crown Rump Length,a measurement made between 7th to 13th week which gives very accurate estimation of the gestational age.)

Conclusion: low risk < 0.02%
Meaning: "Semua OK" or everything OK.